Bass guitar (my beloved)

I started playing bass guitar a little more than a year ago on August 10th, 2021. On that day I bought a Squier Paranormal '54 Jazz Bass in the colour white blond, from a very friendly professional bassist in a village nearby. Since then, the bass guitar has been one of my main interests, even though I'm still not that great at playing it.

Technical stuff

The full name of my bass is Squier Paranormal '54 Jazz Bass. Among the jazz bass designs it's an odd one: the design, especially noticeable by the pickguard and colour, is based on the very first Fender precision bass. And besides this, the designers of this bass changed up the knobs a bit: both pickups have a knob with each two sliders, one for volume and one for tone, which feels a whole lot more intuitive than the knobs in newer designs. I use roundwound strings because it came with them, but since I mainly play "harsher" genres I'll keep using them.

Songs I can play

Here's a list of the songs i can play + the songs i'm currently learning. This post hasn't been updated in a while but i'm too lazy to do so.

My gear

My gear is down below... since I only play at home it's not much. Hover over everything to get the full names.

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Pixel art of a Squier Paranormal Jazz Bass in white blonde. Pixel art of a Hartke 25 watt amplifier. Pixel art of a Fender shell pink cable Pixel art of a Focusrite interface